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Welcome to Reception Class M


Hello and welcome to Blue Class M. Our teachers are Mrs Morton and Mrs Bibi. There are 25 children in our class and we are all getting to know each other and making new friends. We are very polite and enjoy working hard and having fun. This half term we have been looking at why we are special and finding out about the people who help us. We enjoy learning lots of new things like  counting, writing our names, letter sounds and reading.

You can help  at home by encouraging your child to dress themselves, feed themselves, clean their own teeth, and put their own coat and shoes  on etc Also by letting  them set the table and asking questions like ‘How many knives and forks do we need?’  When going shopping, encourage your child to make a shopping list first – talking about the sounds they can hear in each word. Look at the letters on the packaging and ask your child if they can find particular items.